Aspiring Docs Diaries

The Power of a Good Mentor

As a rising senior in high school, I’m already thinking about the questions I’ll face when applying to medical school, especially the big one: why do I want to pursue medicine? Honestly, there wasn’t a single “aha” moment. Instead, my journey has been a mix of funny and inspiring events. It all started during the COVID-19 pandemic when I binge-watched all 17 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy. At 14, I doubted the realism of the characters’ lives and emergency department scenes, but the show’s use of cow’s organs and red Jello mixed with fake blood and chicken fat helped me suspend my disbelief. Before that, a medical career had never crossed my mind, so I guess I have Shonda Rhimes to thank for pointing me toward a path that fits my empathetic nature.

In high school, I chose classes I was interested in, focusing on STEM subjects like biology and chemistry. However, my journey to medicine truly began when I began shadowing cardiologist Dr. Elias Collado at Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale. As an Observer, I saw firsthand the energy and dedication it takes to manage a caseload of patients and run a busy hospital ward. Watching Dr. Collado dash from floor to floor, handling post-surgery check-ins, pre-op patient care, contacting translators to ensure patients understood their treatment, and even making sure lunch was delivered to his residents, was an eye-opening experience. It inspired me to start reading medical texts, take a college anatomy and physiology course this year, and pursue research opportunities. It also taught me that passion in this field is essential; without it, success is impossible.

Reaching out to Dr. Collado—and more than 25 other doctors—about shadowing opportunities was daunting. Many responses were along the lines of “I’m too busy,” or they asked about my experience, of which I had none. But mostly, I was met with silence. Then, a resounding yes came through. Dr. Collado’s willingness to say yes to a stranger—an 11th grader, no less—because he once stood in my shoes and a physician had said yes to him, is something I will never forget. Nor will I forget his endless support, including the observation of a surgery in a neighboring department, where the blood and organs of the patient and the remarkable skills of the surgeon were very real.

Mentors like Dr. Collado are invaluable. They provide guidance, support, and inspiration, helping shape the next generation of professionals. I wish more people would consider mentoring, as it can make a profound difference in a mentee’s life and career path. In fact, according to research, mentoring can even benefit the mentor, including enhanced job satisfaction1. For students interested in finding a shadowing or apprenticeship in their field of study, I would say that it never hurts to ask. You never know where a simple email might lead.

While I still enjoy watching Meredith Grey’s adventures, I now have a much more sensible view of the world of medicine. This includes understanding the long journey ahead and how much there is to learn. It also includes the absolute certainty that one day, if given the opportunity, I will eagerly say yes to a curious student just as Dr. Collado did for me.

  1. Hill, S. E. M., Ward, W. L., Seay, A., & Buzenski, J. (2022). The nature and evolution of the mentoring relationship in academic health centers. Journal of Workplace Learning. ↩︎

Meet the author:

Julia Siegel


High school senior Julia Siegel’s early obsession with the fictional show Grey’s Anatomy, combined with her empathetic nature and passion for STEM coursework, led her to seek shadowing experiences. These invaluable glimpses into the real world of medicine under outstanding mentorship have inspired her to pursue a career in medicine.


  1. Jess says:

    I’m a mother to a 10th grade boy, that just expressed to me a few weeks ago that he is aspiring to be Neurosurgeon. What you described in your article is very similar to how his interests came about. Is there any more advice you could offer him in how to get his learning path started and is there any advice you could offer me to help support him in this journey?

    • Julia Siegel says:

      Hi! Thanks for reading, glad to hear that your son is excited about medicine! Besides taking related coursework and electives in school, he could look into Dual Enrollment offerings at a local college, and summer research internships and programs (ie. Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience Summer Research Internship). He could also do as I did and try to find shadowing opportunities through calling and emailing. Wishing him luck on this journey!

  2. Lisa Pettersen says:

    Amazing story and loved reading it!

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