Aspiring Docs Diaries

Meet the author:

Arianna Yanes

Med Student

Arianna Yanes is a fourth year medical student at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. While studying psychology as an undergrad at Northwestern, Arianna became fascinated with the complexities of human beings in the way they interact with each other and the world. She was drawn to medicine for similar complexities of the human body and experience that must be understood to treat each individual patient. During a medical journalism internship, Arianna became passionate about communicating medical news and making health information accessible and digestible. She hopes to incorporate writing and communications into her future career as a physician. She enjoys writing about the unique experience of studying medicine and the triumphs and challenges that come along with it.

Stories by Arianna

Mar 23, 2015

The Combined Medical Program Experience

Arianna Yanes

In high school, I was always working toward college. The classes I took, the groups I joined, and the activities […] Read More